iPandaLab Inc برنامه ها

New HSK Advanced lite 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images and sounds that help studentsto learn Chinese in simple yet fun way. Even beginners can build asolid foundation by repeating the lessons provided in this program.
코스트코 쿠폰, 휴일 알림 1.1.2
iPandaLab Inc
코스트코를 자주 가시나요?가시는 차안에서 오늘의 할인 상품을 확인하고 미리미리 쇼핑 Plan을 세우세요!코스크코 공식 웹사이트에서 제공하는 쿠폰 정보를 온라인으로 실시간 확인하실 수 있습니다.가시는 도중 오늘이 코스트코가 휴일인지 아닌지 궁금하셨죠? 혹시나 가시던중 낭패를 당했던 경험이있으시면!미리미리 확인해 보세요. 며칠이 휴일인지 바로 확인 가능합니다.더불어 매장 상세 정보 (전화번호, 위치, 연락처, 취급품목)도 확인 가능합니다.사용하시는 모든 분들에게 유익한 서비스가 되기를 바라겠습니다.- 이용 문의 및 건의사항- Email : sagnrime@gmail.com----개발자 연락처 :07011112222
Keep the balance 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Keep your balance ! Try to achieve perfectbalance in this physics puzzle!========================================♥ How to play======================================== 
• Remove red block and keep the balance========================================♥ Features======================================== 
• Impressive volume : 40 Stages• Support online Ranking• Various sound and animation========================================♥ Support========================================Twitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYoutube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
레이븐 with 겜버디 - 게임친구,길드모집,카톡친구 1.0.2
iPandaLab Inc
★빠른 레벨업을 원하는 게이머! 고랩 게임머를 위한 필수 앱!★공식카페, 헝그리앱, 인벤에 게임코드 홍보하실려고 힘드시죠?조금만 시간지나면 맨뒤로 가는 내 글...또 다시 써야하고..친구 코드 복사도 힘들고..빠른 레벨업 길드모집도 해야하고 너무 바쁜 당신을 위해 출시!카카오톡, 게임친구 모집, 길드 홍보를 한방에 해결해 드립니다.■ 사용방법- 앱을 설치하시고 홍보하실 본인의 코드 또는 길드 이름을 넣어주세요.- 매일 한번 앱을 실행하시고 "올리기"를 눌러주시면 최신글로 자동 등록됩니다.- "게임실행"을 누리시면 자동으로 원하시는 게임이 실행됩니다.걱정마세요! 게임버디는 자동으로 종료되어 소중한 스마트폰 메모리를 쓰지 않습니다.그리고 하나더!★Native로 개발되어 웹기반 서비스보다 빠르고 안정적입니다★사용도중 발생되는 문의사항은 고객센터(주소)를 통해 문의 부탁 드립니다.이메일 : support@ipandalab.com- 사업자등록번호 : 215-87-43223- 통신판매업신고번호 : 제2012-서울강남-02343호- 통산판매신고기관 : 서울특별시 강남구청----개발자 연락처 :07011112222
cockroach control 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
cockroach control
New HSK Intermediate lite 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
New HSK Intermediate_pro_us 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
New HSK Basic 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
Korean for Beginners 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Have you ever considered learning Korean, butbeen put off by the unusual look of the characters? Don't letyourself be scared away! Korean has been called "the most logicallanguage there is," and with this friendly and thoroughintroduction you will soon see why.As the more than 1 million Americans who speak Korean canattest, Korean is here to stay, and generations of young (andolder) adults are determined to learn it. This App is for peoplewho want a grasp of how to speak, write and understand Korean—andwho want to enjoy things while they're at it!✦✦✦ Highlights ✦✦✦✶ Essential Korean VocabularyComprised of 1,200 essential Korean words that you must knowregardless of your Korean level based on the importance andfrequency of inclusion in the actual tests.✶ Voice of Native SpeakersRecorded by professional native speakers for perfectpronunciation✔ Please contact us for more information or if you want to get toknow this app better!:♥ SupportTwitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYuotube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.comReviews from User.“Reading and writing Korean is very easy for a non-native tolearn. ” David in SF“This book breaks it all down very well and it's easy to follow.” Henry K. Amen“This is a great book and I highly recommend it but, as whenlearning any language, it should not be your only resource. ”小蘇
하루에 10단어 자동암기-스터디슬라이드(영어,중국어) 1.4.3
iPandaLab Inc
영어, 중국어,일본어...외워도 외워도 꼭 까먹기만 하는 단어!이제 잠금화면으로 쉽게 공부해보세요.약 하루에 100번 정도 화면을 껐다 킨다고 합니다. 무의미한 패턴보다 또는 영어나 중국어, 한자 등의 컨텐츠로공부해보세요. 당신의 경쟁력을 높여주는 최고의 선택이 될 것입니다.하루에도 몇번씩 반복하는 의미없는 잠금화면의 놀라운 혁신.깜박이 보다 더 쉽게 공부!한달만 사용하셔도 달리진 어휘력을 느끼실수 있습니다.설치만 하면 저절로 공부되는 "밀어서 암기왕"으로 앞서나가세요.밀어서 암기왕은 잠금화면을 통해 다양한 컨텐츠를 학습할수 있는 어플리케이션입니다..비싼 스마트폰으로 게임만 하실순 없잖아요 ? 스마트폰을 가장 스마트하게 사용하는 가장 쉬운 방법!## 최신 업데이트 안내 ##- 잠금화면이 개선되었습니다.- 자신만의 단어장을 입력하여 학습하실 수 있습니다.특허출원 ! 하루에도 몇번씩 반복하는 의미없는 잠금화면의 혁신적인 변신!영단어,HSK,공무원 시험준비로 바쁘신 당신의 경쟁력을 높여드립니다!◆ 주요 제공 컨텐츠 ◆- toeic, toefl, ielts, 중학, 고등학교, 수능대비등 다양한 수준별 영어 단어- 공무원, 경찰, 편입 대비 영어- 일본어 초급 및 JLTP 1급, 2급, 3급 컨텐츠- 북경 원어민이 제공하는 중국어 단어, HSK 및 중국 유학 대비- 천자문, 실용한자 5000 등◆ App 주요 기능 ◆- 나만의 단어장 등록 및 학습 기능- 원어민이 녹음한 toeic, toefl, ielts 음성- 영어 및 중국어 발음기호로 높은 학습 효과를 제공합니다.- 네이버 영어 사전, 중국어 사전과 연동하여 싶도 깊은 학습을 지원합니다.- 모르는 단어는 언제든 보관, 재학습할 수 있는 암기통 기능을 지원합니다.- 암기통 단어는 Push 알림으로 암기할때 까지 다시 알려줍니다.- 학습의 재미를 높여주는 랭킹 시스템 지원◆ 특허 출원으로 검증된 학습효과 ◆새로운 스마트폰 학습 방법으로 특허출원 ! (출원번호 10-2013-0130669)검증된 방법으로 학습하세요.◆ 고객 지원 및 제휴 문의 ◆- support@ipandalab.com 으로 문의 바랍니다.◆ 유의 사항 안내 ◆1. 앱에 따라 일부 단말기는 지원되지 않을 수 있습니다.2. 데이타 통신을 하는 서비스로 가입하신 요금제에 따라 '별도의 데이터 요금이 부과'될 수 있습니다.◆ 공식 카페 ◆http://cafe.naver.com/slidelearn## 변경 History**V41 ***** 스마트폰 재시작시 시작 옵션 개선**V40 ***** 나만의 단어장 파일 업로드 개선**V39 ***** 초대 버그 수정* 컨텐츠 추가**V38 ***** UI 개선**V37 ***** UI, 서비스 네이밍 변경**V36 ***** 퀴즈모드 기능 개선**V34 ***** 발음 재생시 버그 수정**V33 ***** 나만의 단어장 개선* 애니메이션 효과**V32 ***** 쓰기기능 개선**V30 ***** UI 개선* 버그 수정**V27 ***** 중요 버그 수정**V25 ***** 롤리팝 푸시 수정* 버그 수정**V24 ***** 롤리팝에서 작동안하는 버그 수정**V23 ***** 결제 안정성 강화* 불필요한 소스 제거**V20 ***** Minor 버그 수정**V19 ***** 필기 기능 추가* UI 개선* 음성 지원 강화(영어,일본어)**V17 ***** 나만의 단어장 안정화----개발자 연락처 :07011112222English, Chinese,Japanese ... oewodo oewodo word that only means kkameokgi!Now try to study easily to the lock screen.Turn the screen to about 100 times a day, you kinda high. Try tolearn more or content such as English or Chinese, Chinesemeaningless patterns. It will be the best choice to improve yourcompetitive edge.Day, even meaningless amazing innovation in the lock screen,repeating several times. More easily studied than the blink!You may use only one months you can feel, unlike Jeanvocabulary."Slide memorize the King" nagaseyo previously studied by itself,simply install.Slide King is an application that can memorize a variety oflearning content via the lock screen.Net eopjanahyo be an expensive smartphone, only a game? The easiestway to use your smartphone smarter!Latest updates guidance ## ##- Lock screen has been improved.- You can enter the vocabulary of their own learning.Patent ! It means a day without revolutionary transformation ofthe lock screen several times!Vocabulary, HSK, officials will enhance your competitiveness busyto prepare for the exam!◆ ◆ provide the main content - Toeic, toefl, ielts, junior high, high school, etc., SATleveled against various English words - Civil servants, the police, the incorporation compared toEnglish Japanese beginning JLTP 1 grade, second grade, third gradecontent Beijing native speakers to provide chinese word, HSK Chinesestudy abroad and contrast - Thousand Character Classic, 5000 salons, such as ChinesecharactersKey features ◆ ◆ App- Register your own vocabulary and learning capabilities- A native speaker recordings toeic, toefl, ielts audio- Provides a high learning English and Chinese phoneticsymbols.- Naver English Dictionary, wanted to work with Chinese dictionaryalso supports deep learning.- You do not know the words to memorize supports the ability at anytime through storage, re-learning can be.- Memorization through word tells again until you memorize a PushNotification.- Supports ranking system that increases the fun of learning◆ ◆ learning proven patentLearning how to patent a new smartphone! (Application No.10-2013-0130669)Please learn proven methods.◆ ◆ contact customer support and partnership- Please contact support@ipandalab.com.◆ ◆ Information Notice1. Some devices, depending on the app may not be supported.2. Depending on the plan you sign up as a service to the datacommunications can be "charged extra data charges.◆ ◆ Official cafehttp://cafe.naver.com/slidelearn## Change History** V41 ***** Improved startup option when restarting smartphones** V40 ***** Improve your own vocabulary upload files** V39 ***** Fixed a bug invitation* Additional content** V38 ***** Improved UI** V37 ***** UI, change the naming service** V36 ***** Quiz Mode feature improvements** V34 ***** Fixed a bug when playing pronunciation** V33 ***** Improve your own vocabulary* Animation Effects** V32 ***** Improved the writing function** V30 ***** Improved UI* Bug fixes** V27 ***** Fixed critical bugs** V25 ***** Modify push lollipop* Bug fixes** V24 ***** Fixed bug anhaneun work in lollipop** V23 ***** Payment enhanced stability* Remove unnecessary sources** V20 ***** Minor bug fixes** V19 ***** Additional notes feature* Improved UI* Enhanced sound support (English, Japanese)** V17 ***** Stabilization own vocabulary
New HSK Intermediate for Free 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
101 Smart HR Answers Lite 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
You look good. Your resume is impressive. Youfit the job description perfectly. But that's not enough to get thejob you want.Tough interview questions are inevitable in today's competitivejob market.Here is "101 Smart Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions".It has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpoint what employersare really asking with every question, and more importantly: whatthey want to hear in response.This no-nonsense guide will prepare you to leverage thetrickiest questions to your advantage. Learn how to deal gracefullywith complicated case interviews, various personality types, andeven potentially illegal questions - all while avoiding commonmistakes.Get the expert answers employers are looking for!** By A CustomerI personally recommend this App. When I interviewed with Microsoftseveral years ago, I was astonished at how IDENTICAL theirinterviewing process was with that described in this App. Afterreading the App, I was not surprised at ANY of the questions thatwere thrown at me. And I could tell exactly when the interviewerwas trying to "drill down" to catch me off-guard. I highlyrecommend this App to anybody who is interviewing for the firsttime, or for anybody who has had a job for a decade or more and isjust now venturing out again. Interviewing tactics have changedradically since a decade ago.** By PaperbackThis App can rehabilitate you and may indeed place you whereyou'd like to be. I have been on both sides of the interviewprocess over many years and it's amazing, in retrospect, that I'vemanaged to work or have any decent employees. From the most basicpreparation, (something I've never done- except to fret over myoutfit,) to practicing, seems like a no brainer- I speak formyself.EVERYBODY knows you're not suppossed to dis a past employer,right? I've known that for years, and I just did it last week. Iknew when I was doing it, that it was wrong; but I couldn't dig myway into a more positive response. In fact, that's why I bought theApp. Fry takes you around those stumbling blocks with a variety ofapproaches, even with regard to keeping a flow in the facts thatyou are putting forth.Of course, you have to do the work. As with every manual, itisn't a novel, it's behavior, and practice, not how well, (again,in my case,) you `understand' it.You can't go wrong with the material here. It's sound, it's beentested and it's completely common sensical- it just doesn't come byosmosis. Do it, it helps. Good luck.
Super heroes return - Free 1.12
iPandaLab Inc
This game is simple and easy for killingtime.You may enjoy it~*********************************************************************Features* variety monsters and items* joystick controller provided, let you control charactereasily* vibration supported* two characters provided(three in pro version) , a super heroesfamily* openfeint support*********************************************************************
101 Smart Interview Answers 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
You look good. Your resume is impressive. Youfit the job description perfectly. But that's not enough to get thejob you want.Tough interview questions are inevitable in today's competitivejob market.Here is "101 Smart Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions".It has helped more than 500,000 job seekers pinpoint what employersare really asking with every question, and more importantly: whatthey want to hear in response.This no-nonsense guide will prepare you to leverage thetrickiest questions to your advantage. Learn how to deal gracefullywith complicated case interviews, various personality types, andeven potentially illegal questions - all while avoiding commonmistakes.Get the expert answers employers are looking for!** By A CustomerI personally recommend this App. When I interviewed with Microsoftseveral years ago, I was astonished at how IDENTICAL theirinterviewing process was with that described in this App. Afterreading the App, I was not surprised at ANY of the questions thatwere thrown at me. And I could tell exactly when the interviewerwas trying to "drill down" to catch me off-guard. I highlyrecommend this App to anybody who is interviewing for the firsttime, or for anybody who has had a job for a decade or more and isjust now venturing out again. Interviewing tactics have changedradically since a decade ago.** By PaperbackThis App can rehabilitate you and may indeed place you whereyou'd like to be. I have been on both sides of the interviewprocess over many years and it's amazing, in retrospect, that I'vemanaged to work or have any decent employees. From the most basicpreparation, (something I've never done- except to fret over myoutfit,) to practicing, seems like a no brainer- I speak formyself.EVERYBODY knows you're not suppossed to dis a past employer,right? I've known that for years, and I just did it last week. Iknew when I was doing it, that it was wrong; but I couldn't dig myway into a more positive response. In fact, that's why I bought theApp. Fry takes you around those stumbling blocks with a variety ofapproaches, even with regard to keeping a flow in the facts thatyou are putting forth.Of course, you have to do the work. As with every manual, itisn't a novel, it's behavior, and practice, not how well, (again,in my case,) you `understand' it.You can't go wrong with the material here. It's sound, it's beentested and it's completely common sensical- it just doesn't come byosmosis. Do it, it helps. Good luck.
The Simplest Interval Timer 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This app is designed for the no-frills,hard-core HIIT workout. This is the first interval timer you’ll seewith a set-up that is this fast and easy. Your workout should beintense, not your workout set up.Super Simple Set up. 
Get to your workout in no time with a clean,simple, no-frills design.Distinct tones that guide you through your workout.- We chose clear, easy-to-distinguish tones for each portion ofyour workout.Work out to music with out missing a beat.- Music automatically fades, allowing you to hear intervaltones.What our users are saying:"The clean design and simplicity of EZ Timer make it the perfectapp for coaches, trainers, and exercise enthusiasts to use forincorporating interval training into their workouts." ~ Tony"I can use it to time my reps, and I'm seeing it as a whole "nobull ~ " approach which is something I really like." ~ Lion"This app is awesome! It's incredibly intuitive. I didn't evenhave to explore to understand how it worked. It's almost as if itworked for me." ~ Travious"Love that I can see the numbers from across the room!" ~ DavidWangFeatures:- Press and Drag to set Work, Rest, and Repeat.- Work Periods: 5 seconds to 4 minutes. (in 5 secondincrements)- Rest Periods: 0 seconds to 4 minutes. (in 5 secondincrements)- Up to 40 repeats.- 10 second count down allows you to get into place before yourworkout starts.
- Three distinct sounds to designate where you are in yourworkout.- Countdown tone gives warning before Work starts.-Pause your workout at any time and restart right where you leftoff.- Music automatically fades, allowing you to hear intervaltones.- Smart Buttons allow you to hold your device on a run withoutstopping the timer- EZ Timer remembers your settings from the previous workout.
Flags Quiz Elite Edition 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Do you know how many nations in the world?Test your knowledge of the flags and capitals of the world withFlag Quiz!Flags Quiz is a fun way to learn all the flags of the world!Features:- Amazing Story Mode- Training Mode- Great challenges and achievements- Compatible with iPod/iPod4,iPhone/iPhone4s/New iPad/iOS5If you experience any problems with this app or have any questionsor comments, please contact us through the App Support link.Enjoy it
HSK Essential - Learn Chinese 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Do you want to speak with Chinese? Here comesthe best way for this!➤ Are you still reading the books andmemorizing a hundred words at a time?➤ Learn fast and easily with your smartphone!➤ You will learn Chinese vocabulary by simply watching, listeningand having fun!!➤ With SilkRoad HSK, resume your Chinese study that you've beenputting off today. You can study anywhere, whenever!------------------------------------------✦✦✦ HSK Essential Highlights ✦✦✦✶ Essential Chinese VocabularyComprised of 1,000 essential Chinese words that you must knowregardless of your Chinese level based on the importance andfrequency of inclusion in the actual tests.✶ Voice of Native SpeakersRecorded by professional native speakers for perfectpronunciation✶Other key features- study Chinese words in sequence or random- provides a simple and easy progress management tool- never a boring moment with various sound effects---------------------------------------------✔ Please contact us for more information or if you want to getto know HSK essential better!:♥ SupportTwitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYuotube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
New HSK Advanced pro 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
The Stacker Free ® 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
========================================♥ Pro version Special Support========================================• Free from AD• Support 60 Levels========================================♥ Features:========================================• Impressive volume : 60 Stages• Support Global Ranking• Various animation and sound effects.
========================================♥ Support========================================Twitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYoutube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
New HSK Basic pro 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
ABC123 for Baby 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
EASY!!FUN!!INTERESTING!!Teach ABC to Your Baby!!
New HSK Advanced for Free 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsounds that help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Even beginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessons provided in this program.
Fruit ABC ™ 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
"Fruit ABC " teaches your child learning wordswhile playing a fun and entertaining game.
There is no doubt in my mind that Fruit ABC is easily one of, ifnot THE best, iPhone/iPod App available for kids.========================================♥ How to play======================================== 
Swipe your finger across the screen to deliciously slash andsplatter fruit like a true ninja warrior based on question.Be careful of bombs – they are explosive to touch and will put aswift end to your juicy adventure!
========================================♥ Features:======================================== 
• 12 levels stages• 600 essential keywords• Support caption(Chinese, Japanese,Korean)
• 12 levels (A to Z) of individual letter learning for uppercaseletters
• 12 levels (a to z) of individual letter learning for lowercaseletters========================================♥ Support========================================Twitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYoutube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
Korea free WiFi 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
★★Now 15,000AP★★Connect to all free Wi-Fi spots in Korea free of charge!An app that is simple to use, and once registered, you will havefree access to Wi-Fi spots offered by the operators listedbelow.Indispensable for visitors to Korea wanting to connect to Wi-Fispots.Coverage provided in the following areas.- Seoul- BuSan- Daegu- Daejun- KwangJuThis application is provided free of charge with the cooperationof providers within their respective Wi-Fi areas.Notes.3G/LTE Connection fees are borne by the customer.Free Wi-Fi wireless connections are not encrypted.
실시간 검색어-10분 빠른 네이버 실시간,다음 실시간 1.1
iPandaLab Inc
네이버,다음의 실시간 검색어를 가장 빨리 전해 드립니다.네이버 블로그, 티스토리, 카카오스토리를 운영하시는 분들에게 가장 중요한 것은 무엇일까요?바로 방문자입니다. 많은 방문자를 유입시키기 위해서는 현재 이슈가 되고 있는 실시간 검색어에 맞는 포스팅이 가장중요합니다.알림바를 통해 손쉽게 최신 이슈를 확인할 수 있습니다.#더 좋은 프로그램을 원하시면 댓글 또는 메일로 제안해주시면 감사하겠습니다.----개발자 연락처 :07011112222Naver, will be deliveredthe next fastest real-time queries.Naver blog, Tistory, what is the most important thing for thosewho operate the cacao story?The visitors immediately. In order to introduce a lot of visitorsto this post meets the real-time queries that are currently themost important issue.You can find the latest issue easily through the notificationbar.# Haejusimyeon offer a better program would appreciate you wishto comment or e-mail.
Flags quiz of the world 1.1
iPandaLab Inc
Do you know how many nations in the world?Test your knowledge of the flags and capitals of the worldwithFlag Quiz!Flags Quiz is a fun way to learn all the flags of the world!Features:- Amazing Story Mode- Training Mode- Great challenges and achievements- Compatible with iPod/iPod4,iPhone/iPhone4s/New iPad/iOS5If you experience any problems with this app or have anyquestionsor comments, please contact us through the App Supportlink.Enjoy it
Touch!ToddlerSong-lyrics,sound 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Kids' favorite songs withinteractivetouches.Let them play and sing-a-long their favorite songswith interesting animal and musical instruments.Couldn't be easier to play.Just choose a song and touch the animals and musicalinstruments on the screen.Let your kids make their own rhythms.Beautiful picutures that goes with the lyrics.All the lyrics are displayed in Karaoke style.- World famous kids' favrote songs included.- Complete 10 songs will be available through In-Apppurchase.- Karaoke style lyrics display.- Funny and interesting objects on the screen thatgeneratechildren's favorite sounds.- Easy playing for toddlers and kids.*Songs included.- For He's A Jolly-Good Fellow- Frere Jacques- Goosey Goosey Gander- Happy Wanderer- Here We Go Luby Loo- Here We Go Round The Mulberry Bush- Home On The Range- Humpty Dumpty- I Had A Little Nut Tree- I Saw Three Ships Come Sailing By♥ SupportTwitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYuotube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
New HSK Advanced 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsoundsthat help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Evenbeginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessonsprovided in this program.
New HSK Intermediate pro 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsoundsthat help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Evenbeginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessonsprovided in this program.
The Balancer Free 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Keep your balance ! Try to achieveperfectbalance in this physics puzzle!========================================♥ How to play======================================== 
• Remove red block and keep the balance========================================♥ Features======================================== 
• Impressive volume : 40 Stages• Support online Ranking• Various sound and animation========================================♥ Support========================================Twitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYoutube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
Sudoku Brain Up! 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Here is an awesome app game that allows youtoplay an unlimited amount of sudoku puzzles on yourSmartPhone.There is no possibility to get twice the same puzzlesince they arerandomly generated.★ Basic Sudoku RulesEvery row must contain the numbers from 1 to 9 with noduplicatenumbers in each row.Every column must contain the numbers from 1 to 9 with noduplicatenumbers in each culumn.A region (3X3 box) also has to contain the numbers from 1 to 9withno duplicates.★ Features:- Various levels of difficulty.- Elegant interface design- Load/Save puzzle from/to the application database.- Statistic, it saves every finished puzzles automatically,thatallows you to keep tracking your best played records foreachlevel, you can restart it whenever you want tore-challengeit.- Hint, to provide you a easy way to find out current singlenotefield, certainly a little penalty is required ;-).- Keep device from sleeping, your SmartPhone no longer sleepwhileyou are thinking in a puzzle.- Smart coloring fields, allows you to see the relation ofeachfields while tapping on it.- Compatible with Android 2.2 Over.Enjoy !
TheStacker 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
========================================♥ Pro version Special Support========================================• Free from AD• Support 60 Levels========================================♥ Features:========================================• Impressive volume : 60 Stages• Support Global Ranking• Various animation and sound effects.
========================================♥ Support========================================Twitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYoutube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
Super heroes return 1.12
iPandaLab Inc
This game is simple and easy forkillingtime.You may enjoy it~*********************************************************************Features* variety monsters and items* joystick controller provided, let you controlcharactereasily* vibration supported* three characters provided(three in pro version) , a superheroesfamily* openfeint support*********************************************************************
Fruit ABC Free ™ 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
"Fruit ABC " teaches your child learningwordswhile playing a fun and entertaining game.
There is no doubt in my mind that Fruit ABC is easily one of,ifnot THE best, iPhone/iPod App available for kids.========================================♥ How to play======================================== 
Swipe your finger across the screen to deliciously slashandsplatter fruit like a true ninja warrior based onquestion.Be careful of bombs – they are explosive to touch and will putaswift end to your juicy adventure!
========================================♥ Features:======================================== 
• 12 levels stages• 600 essential keywords• Support caption(Chinese, Japanese,Korean)
• 12 levels (A to Z) of individual letter learning foruppercaseletters
• 12 levels (a to z) of individual letter learning forlowercaseletters========================================♥ Support========================================Twitter: @ipandalabE-mail: service@ipandalab.comYoutube: www.youtube.com/ipandalabHomepage: www.ipandalab.com
Chinese Bible-Human voice 1.1.4
iPandaLab Inc
Human voice full recording audio Bible! Auto Reading & ChineseHymns.
겜버디 for 다함께차차차2 -게임친구,클럽모집홍보 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
★빠른 레벨업을 원하는 게이머! 고랩 게임머를 위한 필수 앱!★공식카페, 헝그리앱, 인벤에 게임코드 홍보하실려고 힘드시죠?조금만 시간지나면 맨뒤로 가는 내 글...또 다시 써야하고..친구 코드 복사도 힘들고..빠른 레벨업 길드모집도 해야하고 너무 바쁜 당신을 위해 출시!카카오톡, 게임친구 모집, 길드 홍보를 한방에 해결해 드립니다.■ 사용방법- 앱을 설치하시고 홍보하실 본인의 코드 또는 길드 이름을 넣어주세요.- 매일 한번 앱을 실행하시고 "올리기"를 눌러주시면 최신글로 자동 등록됩니다.- "게임실행"을 누리시면 자동으로 원하시는 게임이 실행됩니다.걱정마세요! 게임버디는 자동으로 종료되어 소중한 스마트폰 메모리를 쓰지 않습니다.그리고 하나더!★Native로 개발되어 웹기반 서비스보다 빠르고 안정적입니다★사용도중 발생되는 문의사항은 고객센터(주소)를 통해 문의 부탁 드립니다.이메일 : support@ipandalab.com- 사업자등록번호 : 215-87-43223- 통신판매업신고번호 : 제2012-서울강남-02343호- 통산판매신고기관 : 서울특별시 강남구청----개발자 연락처 :07011112222
브레이브헌터 for Kakao-겜버디 게임친구,길드모집 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
★빠른 레벨업을 원하는 게이머! 고랩 게임머를 위한 필수 앱!★공식카페, 헝그리앱, 인벤에 게임코드 홍보하실려고 힘드시죠?조금만 시간지나면 맨뒤로 가는 내 글...또 다시 써야하고..친구 코드 복사도 힘들고..빠른 레벨업 길드모집도 해야하고 너무 바쁜 당신을 위해 출시!카카오톡, 게임친구 모집, 길드 홍보를 한방에 해결해 드립니다.■ 사용방법- 앱을 설치하시고 홍보하실 본인의 코드 또는 길드 이름을 넣어주세요.- 매일 한번 앱을 실행하시고 "올리기"를 눌러주시면 최신글로 자동 등록됩니다.- "게임실행"을 누리시면 자동으로 원하시는 게임이 실행됩니다.걱정마세요! 게임버디는 자동으로 종료되어 소중한 스마트폰 메모리를 쓰지 않습니다.그리고 하나더!★Native로 개발되어 웹기반 서비스보다 빠르고 안정적입니다★사용도중 발생되는 문의사항은 고객센터(주소)를 통해 문의 부탁 드립니다.이메일 : support@ipandalab.com- 사업자등록번호 : 215-87-43223- 통신판매업신고번호 : 제2012-서울강남-02343호- 통산판매신고기관 : 서울특별시 강남구청----개발자 연락처 :07011112222
HSK Basic Free 1000 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Do want to learn Chinese? Here is an answer!
Brain Sudoku Free 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Here is an awesome app game that allows youtoplay an unlimited amount of sudoku puzzles on yourSmartPhone.There is no possibility to get twice the same puzzlesince they arerandomly generated.★ Basic Sudoku RulesEvery row must contain the numbers from 1 to 9 with noduplicatenumbers in each row.Every column must contain the numbers from 1 to 9 with noduplicatenumbers in each culumn.A region (3X3 box) also has to contain the numbers from 1 to 9withno duplicates.★ Features:- Various levels of difficulty.- Elegant interface design- Load/Save puzzle from/to the application database.- Statistic, it saves every finished puzzles automatically,thatallows you to keep tracking your best played records foreachlevel, you can restart it whenever you want tore-challengeit.- Hint, to provide you a easy way to find out current singlenotefield, certainly a little penalty is required ;-).- Keep device from sleeping, your SmartPhone no longer sleepwhileyou are thinking in a puzzle.- Smart coloring fields, allows you to see the relation ofeachfields while tapping on it.- Compatible with Android 2.2 Over.Enjoy !
New HSK Basic for Free 2.0
iPandaLab Inc
This program provides various images andsoundsthat help students to learn Chinese in simple yet fun way.Evenbeginners can build a solid foundation by repeating thelessonsprovided in this program.
Kids Chinese 1.0
iPandaLab Inc
Let's study Chinese with various images and sound effect!
Korea Airport,Flight Schedule 1.4.3
iPandaLab Inc
Live Flight Tracking,schedule of Korea Airport through Korea Govinformation.